Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Chapter 2 (A Surprising Referral)

Dave says in this chapter " that april trip to port huron changed my life". this is true he went to his parents house to speak with his dad about money. this was something they had never really talked about before. his dad makes a confession that he did not know anything about money until 6 years prior and admits to his son that he and his wife used to be living paycheck to paycheck. he tells his son that the basics of financial planning are very straightforward and he wishes he would have known about them prior. his dad admits that one day at the roy millers barber shop changed his life. he was talking with james murray who used to be a stockbroker and a life insurance agent. he told davids dad that the best financial planner he could talk to was roy"the barber". over the next months that his dad got his hair cut he learned all there was to financial planning. David tells the story in the book how roy go the job as a barber. it is because of the death of his father, roy had a dream of being a lawyer, but he had to return home to help support his mom and sister. roy's father left in a bad financial position basically only leaving a mortgage and roy vowed not to do that. therefore roy must learn about finances. roy figured if he wanted to be rich then he should talk to someone about finances who is wealthy. so at age 22 he went to talk to mr white one of the wealthiest men in town. roy's says that was the best decision he has ever made. the man gave roy a simple tip that would change his finances forever. but as davids dad is telling him all this he wont say the secret he tells david he must learn it from roy himself. david then tells his sister( who makes a lot of money but mostly spends it all and hasn't saved hardly any) that he talked with dad about finances and to learn everything they must go to roy's barber shop.

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