Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Chapter 8 ( Saving Savvy)

dave gives the barbershop the exciting news he has had a baby girl named samantha. he also tells them that he has bought a new house. roy tells them for todays agenda it is the topic of proper managing of day to day money. his advice is too develop budgets, avoid credit cards and excersise self control. roy told dave how important it was to make a budget, and too save and never borrow to go on a trip. he also says how we spend our day to day income in the end has little impact on our overall future financial status. he advocates for a budget just with the needs on it. he givesd examples how someones day to day fianances could be bad but in the long run they will be very well off. he tells how people must live within their means. he gives a powerful statement a doller saved is two dollars earned. he also says that to be called thrifty is a compliment. for most people credit cards are not a good deal, they can become a destructive force, many people will buy things with a credit card that they wouldnt pay cah for. credit cards are NOT for the undisciplined, cathy goes on to discuss that debt is the ultimate forced savings plan. and roys final advice is to love within your means.

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